+27 33 386 5034 admin@afrequip.co.za



The off-road industrial engineering division capitalizes on Tigercat's unique abilities and experience. For nearly two decades Tigercat has designed and built forestry equipment with increasingly complex hydraulic and electronic systems that are able to survive some of the harshest operating environments on the planet. Tigercat productivity, efficiency and uptime levels lead the industry.

Tigercat's strict focus on engineering and research and development has also spawned significant innovations in the forestry industry such as high capacity bunching heads, ER boom technology and the Turnaround cab.

Tigercat's off-road industrial engineering division seeks to develop machines required for highly specialized off-road industrial applications.

Tigercat off-road industrial products currently focus on two key areas, vegetation management equipment and off-road carriers. Industries served include the utilities sector and oil and gas producers and exploration companies.

If your current equipment is falling short of expectations whether in performance, uptime, reliability or efficiency, contact Tigercat today to discuss your specialized off-road equipment requirements.

Website: http://www.tigercat.com